Tuesday, 27 February 2007

The month of being Wonderwoman

Ever wondered what it would be like to live like the perfect you? That's what I'm about to try and find out. We all have a vision in our head of how we would be if we were perfect; it's usually the thing we use to beat ourselves up. Well, my challenge for March 2007 is to live more like I would if was the perfect me.

I can't do everything. It's not possible to grow an extra 2 inches in the legs, so I've set myself the following targets:-
  1. To lose weight. I rejoined Weight Watchers a week ago. I have at least 28lb to lose. I've actually made my goal weight once, but put it all back on when I developed a thyroid problem 2 years ago.
  2. To exercise every morning. I'm trying to do at least 20 minutes of weights 4 x week and build up to a 2 mile run on the other 3 days. Wonderwoman is fit as well as perfect. :o)
  3. To be tidy. My best friend will tell you that I can put a pen down on an empty desk and it'll look like a bomb has hit it. She's right. She's a tidy person; I'm not. I've worked out that the difference has to do with lining things up and getting the edges even, so I'm going to practice that for the next month.
  4. To come home to a clean kitchen every night. This means doing the dishes before I go to bed and not when I get home.
  5. To wash off my make-up each night and brush and floss my teeth before bedtime. I usually manage to brush my teeth, but I've never got into the habit about washing my face.
  6. To learn some Dutch. I need to do that for work; my project is based in the Netherlands and it's embarrasing when they all speak English to me and I can't even say "thank you". Wonderwoman is multilingual.
  7. To sew up my knitting projects and use up some of my stash before buying more yarn. I've got two finished sweaters which just need to be sewn up, plus a pair of socks that need ends woven in. They've got to be finished.
  8. Ditto the various hems and buttons that need sewing.
  9. To balance my chequebook. I used to be really good at tracking money, but everything went to pot during the weary months before my thyroid diagnosis.
  10. To stick to my Cash Diet. I'll talk more about this later.

That's enough of a list for now. No doubt I'll add things to it, later on.

- Pam